The Wheaton Swimming and Diving Team celebrated their year on April 25th, complete with a slideshow, some awards, a few speeches, selections for captains 2010/2011, and some yummy appetizers. Award winners are pictured below. Congratulations everyone!
Freshman Class

Sophomore Classs

Junior Class

Graduating Class

Most Improved Male: John Ahern

Most Improved Female: Julia Wright

MVP Male: Zach Fichman-Klein

MVP Female: Dania Piscetta & Nicole Zais

Coaches Award Male: Christian Woods

Coaches Award Female: (the senior girls) Aurelie Marcotte, Iris Meehan, Sarah Houlihan, Maggie Samen, Stephanie Conelias and Chelsea Stephenson
2010/2011 CaptainsWomen: Sara Hollar '11
Alisha Wilson '11
Men:Corey Best '11
Sam Dean-Lee '11
Alex Hosey '12