Name: Aurelie Marcotte
Hometown: Hampden, MA
Year at Wheaton/Major: 2010/chemistry
Club Team/High School Team: Minnechaug Regional High School Swim Team
Best Events/Times: 100back 1:02.9, 200back 2:16.8, 50free 25.9
Favorite Food: hummus
Favorite Movie: The Dark Knight
Favorite Band/Artist: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Favorite Quote:
Thing you are looking forward to the most this season: Taper and NEWMAC's
Name: Alisha Wilson
Hometown: Cumberland, ME
Year at Wheaton/Major: 2011/psychology/elementary ed
Club Team/High School Team: Seacoast Swim Club/Greely High School Swim Team
Best Events/Times: 100breast 1:13.8, 200breast 2:38.4, 200IM 2:19.1, 400IM 4:59.4
Favorite Food: muffins and ice cream
Favorite Movie: Sweet Home Alabama
Favorite Band/Artist: Chris Daughtry and Tim McGraw
Favorite Quote:
Thing you are looking forward to the most this season: NEWMAC's