Name: Alex Hosey
Hometown: Danville, PA
Year at Wheaton/Major: 2021
Club Team/High School Team: Bison Aquatics Club/Wyoming Seminary
Best Events/Times: 500free 5:13.3, 1000free 11:10.2, 1650free 18:54.6
Favorite Food: mashed potato and gravy
Favorite Movie: The Life Aquatic
Favorite Band/Artist: Radiohead
Favorite Quote: "I am nostalgic for conversations I had yesterday."
Thing you are looking forward to the most this season: Dropping time!
Name: Achilleas Svolos
Hometown: Athens, Greece
Year at Wheaton/Major: 2012/Economics
Club Team/High School Team: N/A
Best Events/Times: 50free, 100free
Favorite Food: steak
Favorite Movie: Troy
Favorite Band/Artist: Nickelback
Favorite Quote: "You have to give in order to take."
Thing you are looking forward to the most this season: Swimming fast!