Name: Chelsea Stephenson
Hometown: Cape Elizabeth, ME
Year at Wheaton/Major: 2010/Studio Art
Club Team/High School Team: Coastal Maine Aquatics/Cape Elizabeth HS Swimming
Best Events/Times: 200free 2:08.33, 500free 5:32.61
Favorite Food: Sushi!
Favorite Movie: Juno
Favorite Band/Artist: Modest Mouse
Favorite Quote: "Ride the wave." -JP
Thing you are looking forward to the most this season: Going to Ireland!
Name: Trevor Deans
Hometown: Redding, CT (the ding)
Year at Wheaton/Major: 2012/Environmental Studies
Club Team/High School Team: Joel Barlow High School/Wilton Y Wahoo's
Best Events/Times: 100breast 1:06.82, 200breast 2:22.83, 400IM 4:36.22
Favorite Food: Mac and Cheese
Favorite Movie: Pineapple Express
Favorite Band/Artist: Tribal Seeds
Favorite Quote: "I am the driva, I must drive." - Cool Runnings
Thing you are looking forward to the most this season: Going a best time in the 200 breast!